Impact Stories

Youth Narratives of Change

in Subsaharan Africa and the Middle East.

The Challenge Fund for Youth Employment (CFYE) is a 7-year programme funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Fund is managed by the Palladium Group, Randstad and VSO. 

Impact stories

Empowering Young Kenyan Women: High-Iron Bean Farming as a Source of Income

Empowering Young Kenyan Women: High-Iron Bean Farming as a Source of Income

Green Jobs Impact stories Kenya
In Bomet, an administrative town more than 220km away from Kenya’s Capital Nairobi, four young women farmers, Caren Cheluley (32 years old), Caren Chepkiriu (20 years old), Dorcas Chepkirui (19 years old) and Gladys Chepkemoi (27 years old) embraced High Iron Beans (HIB) farming, as a result of the collaborative project between Cherubet and Abosi Top Hill Cooperative, debunking the narrative that agriculture is not lucrative enough for young farmers.
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Bridging the gap in Community Health Care through Entrepreneurship

Bridging the gap in Community Health Care through Entrepreneurship

Impact stories
At 32 years old, Kyalikunda Allen's relentless determination and passion for her community and family have transformed her life and the lives of countless others. Kyalikunda Allen was acutely aware of the challenges her community faced, particularly when it came to accessing vital healthcare services. The nearest health centres were miles away, leaving community members with limited options for medical care. That was until Healthy Entrepreneurs offered her a life-changing job opportunity.
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Finding a New Path as a Single Mother: Mary’s Story

Finding a New Path as a Single Mother: Mary’s Story

Impact stories
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Namataka Sickora Mary’s resilience and determination were truly tested, as it upended her life as a single mother and school secretary in Nakirubi village. The closure of the school left her without a source of income, plunging her into uncertainty. It was precisely during this challenging time that fate intervened in the form of a Proteen extension agent who introduced her to the transformative Black Soldier Fly (BSF) project.
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Case studies

The Role of Career Advisors in Shaping Youth Employment in Tunisia: insights from Mohamed Hamdani from GoMyCode

The Role of Career Advisors in Shaping Youth Employment in Tunisia: insights from Mohamed Hamdani from GoMyCode

Case study Home Insights and stories Match Tunisia
Decent work has emerged as a key topic in conversations around sustainable development. While international organisations and civil society groups have long emphasised the importance of decent work for economic growth, the private sector has been more hesitant to embrace it. However, as the momentum behind the concept grows, more businesses begin to acknowledge the value of investing in job quality for resilient and productive workplaces. One of CFYE's partners in Kenya, Mr Green Africa, has made remarkable progress in achieving decent work within the informal economy.
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From Digital Payments to Decent Work: MadfoatCom’s Tailored Approach to Empowering the Next Generation

From Digital Payments to Decent Work: MadfoatCom’s Tailored Approach to Empowering the Next Generation

Case study Home Insights and stories Jordan
Decent work has emerged as a key topic in conversations around sustainable development. While international organisations and civil society groups have long emphasised the importance of decent work for economic growth, the private sector has been more hesitant to embrace it. However, as the momentum behind the concept grows, more businesses begin to acknowledge the value of investing in job quality for resilient and productive workplaces. One of CFYE's partners in Kenya, Mr Green Africa, has made remarkable progress in achieving decent work within the informal economy.
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Fostering Creativity and Empowerment: LIVINC’s Journey to Meaningful Youth Participation

Fostering Creativity and Empowerment: LIVINC’s Journey to Meaningful Youth Participation

Case study Home Insights and stories Jordan
Decent work has emerged as a key topic in conversations around sustainable development. While international organisations and civil society groups have long emphasised the importance of decent work for economic growth, the private sector has been more hesitant to embrace it. However, as the momentum behind the concept grows, more businesses begin to acknowledge the value of investing in job quality for resilient and productive workplaces. One of CFYE's partners in Kenya, Mr Green Africa, has made remarkable progress in achieving decent work within the informal economy.
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Learning materials

Youth Magazine: Findings of the Youth-Centered Research in the Waste Management Sector Kenya

Youth Magazine: Findings of the Youth-Centered Research in the Waste Management Sector Kenya

Learning material
This paper is about how to leverage green jobs to realise the transition to a green economy. The first step to achieving this is to create a better understanding of green jobs. To this end, following a literature analysis, we provide a mapping tool to help classify green jobs and measure their (potential) impact. The tool is based on four indicators: (i) sector; (ii) green business strategy; (iii) climate action; and (iv) green skills.
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The Business Case for Youth Recruitment

The Business Case for Youth Recruitment

Learning material
This paper is about how to leverage green jobs to realise the transition to a green economy. The first step to achieving this is to create a better understanding of green jobs. To this end, following a literature analysis, we provide a mapping tool to help classify green jobs and measure their (potential) impact. The tool is based on four indicators: (i) sector; (ii) green business strategy; (iii) climate action; and (iv) green skills.
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Green Jobs for Youth in Africa’s Waste Recycling Sector

Green Jobs for Youth in Africa’s Waste Recycling Sector

Learning material
This paper is about how to leverage green jobs to realise the transition to a green economy. The first step to achieving this is to create a better understanding of green jobs. To this end, following a literature analysis, we provide a mapping tool to help classify green jobs and measure their (potential) impact. The tool is based on four indicators: (i) sector; (ii) green business strategy; (iii) climate action; and (iv) green skills.
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Future of work

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