Selection Egypt

Jinni Services

Jinni Services is not only creating job opportunities; it is providing the youth and especially women with the chance to learn a skill that will help them earn a living for themselves and their families while ensuring that they are given flexible working hours. Jinni Services is now focused on cleaning services and will be expanding into multiple other domestic services such as cooking. As a recipient of the 2024 exclusive top-up call, they will not only be able to sustain the Academy but also greenlight their new operational capacity and double their impact.

The Problem

Many people in Egypt are put in the situation of not having proper working conditions that would guarantee them decent work, social insurance, health insurance, and allows for growth opportunities. Many unemployed young people could work in the hospitality industry or are interested in the hospitality industry but do not have the required skill-set or are unable to reach the demand due to their lack of tech resources, so they are underemployed. Many of the already self-employed in the industry do not have decent work conditions and cannot have job security in a highly informal economy.

Another challenge is that many youths lack the ability to find decent and secure jobs. They lack the ability to reach the demand for the skill that they have or have developed through the Academy by JS.

The Solution

With a lot of market research and organizational experience, we have come to the conclusion that the best way to tackle youth unemployment and women unemployment is the following;

Setting up the Academy by JS that provides unemployed youth interested in the industry with the needed skill-set to seek job opportunities.  The Academy by JS graduates would be split up into two parts: employed by Jinni Services and match-making. By expanding and developing Jinni Services, the demand would increase proportionately, allowing Jinni Services to hire 50% of the graduates. The development of Jinni Services will be happening with intense marketing strategies and media buying that would reach the required number of customers and increase demand.

The match-making 50% would be by creating partnerships with hiring entities and hospitality companies where the Academy by JS would put certain criteria and a decent work environment guaranteed with a contract between Jinni Services and the hiring entity. The private sector would be receiving a caliber that is currently not available or reachable in an informal market. By formalizing the market, the private sector would lead to job opportunities with decent work criteria. By building this specific skill set, we will have allowed the Academy graduates to enter the labour market.

By tech enabling the sector, we are upscaling the youth employed in an informal market. We are working towards formalizing the market and ensuring a certain level of security and a sense of belonging. It would also ease the gap between the supply and the demand by providing youth who lack the required skills with the opportunity to attend the course in the Academy by JS, providing them with theoretical information, workshops, and training.

Enable women with jobs that fit their current skill-set by expanding our cooking and elderly nursing services. We are looking to provide flexible working hours where people can choose how they split up the time for their full-time jobs during the day. This is to help women be able to commit to the cultural norms and avoid negative social impacts.


Without CFYE’s contribution, Jinni Services would not be able to create the Academy by JS with a tangible impact on the market and the unemployment of youth and women. The initiative taken by CFYE to address the existing problem of making an impact has allowed Jinni Services to find the best way to create a project of such. Without CFYE, Jinni Services would not be able to upscale and give skills to people who need them to have decent and secure jobs. Jinni Services would still continue to try to make a change with youth and women by creating a much smaller version of the Academy internally; however, there would be no way that it would be able to impact up to 6000 people. If CFYE was not involved, there still might be an impact; however, there would not be that level of emphasis on decent jobs, decent income, and a focus on addressing the problem of women in specific. According to the Scoping Highlights Report conducted by CFYE in July 2020, it is clear that the situation is a lot worse for women: 49.5% of young women are NEET, compared to 9.3% of young men.” There would be fewer opportunities and a smaller scale than what’s achievable with the support and input of CFYE.