March 20, 2023 Whitney van Schyndel

Unleashing the Potential of Young Tech Talent in Egypt: How Sprints Is Leading the Way

Sprints is on a mission to empower Egyptian youth with high-quality, well-paying jobs in the tech sector. Drawing on its extensive knowledge and expertise, Sprints provides effective learning solutions that address the specific needs of both tech learners and employers. Sprints is committed to providing young people with the tools they need to improve their technical, business, and soft skills. Its rigorous hiring BootCamps prepare graduates for success and ensure they land top jobs in the industry. By giving young people a chance to upskill and match their talents with the right job opportunities, Sprints is creating a prosperous future for Egyptian youth.

Abdel Rahman Ibrahim Zaki and Mayar Mahmoud are just two examples of Sprints transforming young talents’ careers and setting them on a path towards success.

Success Stories: Abdel Rahman Ibrahim Zaki

Abd El-Rahman is a 29-year-old tech enthusiast who shifted his career many times before finally finding his passion in the tech field as a DevOps engineer. He joined the Sprints learning platform to become a job-ready DevOps engineer and create a career in the top tech companies.

How did you hear about Sprints?

I asked many people working in the tech field what the best learning platform was, and almost everyone recommended Sprints. I also read in online communities that Sprints helps graduates land a job in top tech companies. Based on these reviews and positive experiences, joining Sprints seemed the best opportunity for a successful career in tech.

What attracted you to work in DevOps?

DevOps is a field that offers a unique opportunity to develop a diverse range of skills and knowledge that are applicable across various job functions. As a DevOps professional, you gain a holistic understanding of essential job roles such as networking, Linux administration, development, and other related functions. One of the most exciting aspects of working DevOps is the ability to take on multiple roles and responsibilities. This versatility is what drew me to DevOps in the first place.

What advice would you give to your peers looking to start a career in the tech industry?

Given the fast-changing dynamics in the global economy, securing a stable, high-paying career path is vital. Therefore, starting your learning journey as soon as possible is crucial to help you progress in your career. It is especially true for the tech industry, as the sector is constantly evolving. So, starting early is one thing I would recommend to young people looking to work in tech.

Sprints has been a trailblazer in the tech industry by offering comprehensive programs to help bridge the gap in tech talent and prepare young people for the ever-evolving digital job market. We are very proud to have Sprints in our Egypt portfolio and see their relentless commitment to creating meaningful digital jobs for Egyptian youth.

Success Stories: Mayar Mahmoud

Mayar has always been passionate about the tech field and wanted to pursue a career in it. She was looking for a learning platform that would provide her with skills that match the needs of the tech field. That’s why she joined Sprints.

How would you describe your experience with Sprints?

Learning at Sprints was a unique experience. It provided me with a comprehensive education that prepared me for the real-world work environment. One of the standout features of the program was the emphasis on teamwork and collaboration. We worked together to solve complex business cases that closely mirrored scenarios we would encounter in the workplace. This gave me valuable experience working effectively within a team, building relationships, and developing strong communication skills.

What did you like the most about the Sprints program?

Attending the BootCamp retreat was undoubtedly one of the most memorable and valuable experiences of my educational journey. The retreat provides students with a platform that connects them with top tech companies in Egypt and worldwide. As a participant, I had the chance to engage with many businesses and gain valuable insights about the career paths available in their organisations. I also learned about how recruiters think, received tips and techniques to master interviews, and gained a deeper understanding of the hiring process.

In your opinion, what sets the learning program at Sprints apart?

The world and the workplace are changing fast. No one can depend on their traditional education to get the job they are passionate about, as competition is rising. On top of this, the current employment market does not solely focus on technical skills. Soft skills such as working effectively in a team, communication skills, and English language proficiency have become an equally essential set of skills without which you can hardly build a successful career. All these soft skills Sprints allowed me to obtain have made me so much more ready for real work opportunities.

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