September 8, 2020 Whitney van Schyndel

Can you provide some more information on the pipeline that will be available through the CFYE?

It is currently difficult to provide more information about the pipeline that the Challenge Fund for Youth Employment will create at this stage for the DIFYE for the following reasons:

  1. We are still at the initial stages of the fund. Our first call for Uganda has just been completed and the calls for Egypt and Nigeria are currently live.
  2. The sectors and types of companies are different for each country and based on an analysis that is carried out in each country prior to the call to ensure that the call is relevant in terms of the type of companies and organisations targeted, key sectors, and constraints hindering the employment of youth.
  3. The calls for proposals will also evolve based on learnings on other calls and suggestions from other

With the above-mentioned limitations in terms of stage and differences per country, we are providing some more background information on Uganda, Nigeria and Egypt.

For Nigeria, our call for proposals focuses on private companies with ideas to create digital jobs or skilled craftwork for youth. Projects should result in decent employment for at least 500 young people (aged 18 to 35), especially young women. More information on this call and the scoping report on which the call is based can be found here: Call for Solutions Nigeria.

For Egypt, our call for proposals focuses on private companies that wish to invest in projects that generate (or sustain) decent employment for young people (aged 18 to 35). Flexible and decent work is an important focus within Egypt and priority sectors are agriculture, retail trade, manufacturing, ICT/digital business, renewable energy, health services, hospitality services and SME support, accelerators, and business angels. More information on this call and the scoping report on which the call is based can be found here: Call for solutions Egypt

For Uganda, the call was open for NGOs and private sector companies. We received over 300 applications. After screening, 22 applicants were invited to submit a full proposal and of those 7 organisations whose applications have been approved. Download the portfolio dashboard with some more details of those 7 companies.