CFYE is looking for scale-ready digital or green initiatives to boost youth employment in Kenya!
The CFYE’s Kenyan Call for Concept Notes has opened on January 15. CFYE wants to co-invest in innovative private sector-led initiatives that provide businesses with access to suitably skilled personnel and help them to increase their employment of youth.
CFYE’s Call for Concept Notes in Kenya will have two eligible thematic ‘windows’. Project ideas that do not match either of these two windows are not eligible in this call for proposals:
Window 1:
Digital Business Support Service, focusing on applications offering technological solutions or using technology-based business models to enhance business performance within companies, between companies, or between companies and consumers. This includes for example ICT in general, e-commerce, and the creative sector.
Window 2:
Scaling up Green Jobs, focusing on applications with environmentally and socially responsible business models that scale up existing innovations or business models – creating jobs along the way. This includes for example higher value agribusiness or any clean-tech solutions.
Eligibility Criteria
Business Development stage:
We are looking for readily tested concepts ready for scaling up or scaling out (meaning already scaled up but ready to diversify). Idea stage ideas are not eligible. Lead applicants need to have been in active business for at least 2 years.
Lead applicant:
Both companies and NGOs are eligible as lead applicants, but there should be a business in the consortium (with confirmed labour demand) if an NGO is a lead applicant.
A minimum number of jobs:
The minimum number of jobs that need to be created, improved, or matched is 500, although we hope to receive proposals with higher numbers due to the focus on agency style business model.
Employment type:
Initiatives in both the informal and formal sectors are eligible. However, they should focus on wage employment or semi-employment (working with agents or other semi- self-employed positions as part of a company’s business model). Fully independent self-employment without a matching mechanism with confirmed off-takers of products or services is not eligible.
Join our Webinar
We will organize a webinar prior to launching our call (indicative timing: third week of January 2021) to provide further info on what type of project we can and would like to fund. Please register for the webinar that fits your business idea best.
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