Selection Kenya

Bottle Logistics East Africa Limited 

Bottle logistics is a glass waste management company that efficiently recovers industrial and post-consumer glass waste and processes it into highly refined glass cullet, glass aggregate, and clean reusable bottles for respective brand owners. They build strong collaborations across the value chain ensuring high recovery rates of the glass waste at its best form. They also recover and recycle all hollow glass bottles and glass jars. These include wines and spirits glass bottles, water glass bottles, cosmetic glass bottles and glass jars. With their new digital innovation, Bottle logistics EA ltd aims to tackle youth unemployment in Kenya by bridging the gap between glass supply and demand.

The Problem

In Kenya, the waste management system includes little to no separation of waste at its source. This means that most waste ends up mixed in the landfills and the recycling of it is done from there – if at all. This is also the way that Bottle Logistics EA ltd. currently gets most of their glass waste. At the dumpsites, waste pickers work in deplorable and hazardous working conditions. They have poor access to personal protective equipment, healthcare, social security, and access to capital. Many have to deal with dangerous cartels in the dumpsite and do not have a permanent physical location they could call home. Waste pickers are also exploited by the brokers and paid minimal for their glass waste.

As the industry is male dominated, women face several additional barriers such as unequal job opportunities, disparities in compensation, sexual harassment, unpaid care work, lack of access to childcare, less education levels, and gender stereotypes. It is no wonder that the job opportunities in the waste management industry are deemed ‘unattractive’ by the youth and women.  

Due to limited glass recycling in the country, Bottle Logistics EA ltd. production capacity is also constrained, creating a bottleneck in the production. Currently glass manufacturing companies are only able to source up to 45% of their cullet requirements and the local food and beverage companies are only able to recover 30% of their returnable glass bottles, creating a huge gap between supply and demand. The regulatory environment in Kenya is also highly favourable with the implementation of the Sustainable waste management bill, that requires segregation of waste at source.

The Solution

Bottle logistics EA ltd. wants to solve this challenge by developing a digital collection platform to segregate and collect glass waste at source e.g. from hotels and residential homes using collection agents. In this way, they aim to create attractive jobs to meet the ambitions and aspirations of the youth, while increasing youth employability and recycling of glass waste in Kenya. Through innovation that will enable recovery of glass waste at source, setting up of glass collection centres and semi automation of the returnable glass bottle business, 450 new jobs will be created, and 200 jobs will be improved. This will be done by:  

Guaranteeing fair pay and increased income of up to 25%. Through collecting glass directly from source, the project will ensure more competitive price for collection agents. Semi automation will also increase production, and thus the wages of employees. The project will ensure fair and transparent promotion of both women and men based on performance, innovation and leadership skills, ensuring career growth. Women and the youth will also be empowered through training, coaching and mentorship. This will mostly focus on digital skills, communication skills, financial literacy and leadership skills. 

In addition, Bottle Logistics EA ltd. will create a safer working environment and increase job security by signing more long-term contracts, automating the collection model, organising safety trainings, and providing personal protective equipment for the collectors.  

To close the gender gap and attract, hire and retain women, Bottle logistics EA ltd. will follow measures that ensure that over 60% of the jobs will be employed by women. These measures include encouraging women to apply, ensuring equal pay and price for the collected glass, and implementing anti-discriminatory policies that protect women at work. The project will also ensure flexible working arrangements for women with young families and counselling sessions for couples whose spouses might not support women going to work.  


Without the CFYE funding, the project implementation would delay up to 6 years and less than 50% of the current job opportunities would be created. The technical assistance from CFYE will ensure that proper financial management is practiced throughout the project, and that the right policies to attract, hire and retain youth and women are implemented.